This Update has FOUR important messages this week which we would ask you to please read.
Confirmation of teams and club officials
Academy or not Academy? – that is the question
New photos for 2023-24
Player registrations for 2023-24 – online consent only and parents/carers mobile number requirement
Confirmation of teams and club officials
Scoreline roll through from 2022-23 season into 2023-24 season was completed yesterday. All confirmed teams will have aged one year and any new teams should showing at the 2023-34 age group as this is how we asked them to be entered.
As always, we ask every EXISTING club secretary (not new clubs yet to be voted in) to check Scoreline to ensure all of their teams are entered into the league, entered on the right playing day and listed at the right age group with the correct team contacts details.
The process for SECRETARIES ONLY is very simple. To check your teams, follow the instructions below.
- Log into scoreline using your username and password
- On your dashboard you can get a quick overview of your teams – see ‘teams in my club’ – this is a quick check to ensure your teams are all there.
- Next stage is to click clubs/teams/contacts in the left hand menu. Then click the teams tab, type in your club name and click apply – eg Burton Joyce search will bring up all Burton Joyce teams – tip: do not enter generic words such as town, united. city etc as Scoreline will bring up every team/club with that word in. Be specific eg Bingham Town – just enter ‘Bingham’ – Southwell City – just enter ‘Southwell’
- Check all teams are correct age group, playing day. Check managers name, email and mobile are all correct.
- Any teams missing – email YEL Office – with team name, managers name, email address, mobile number
- Any incorrect playing day/age group – email stating team name, what it currently shows and what it should show
- Any incorrect manager showing – email stating team name, what it currently shows and what it should show
- Any duplicate teams – email – ask the office know to remove the duplicate
- Any teams that are no longer proceeding but are listed – email and ask for them to be removed
Club Officials check
Log into Scoreline
- Click ‘clubs/teams/contacts menu item from the left hand main menu
- Select ‘my clubs’
- Click the blue ‘Club’ button
- Scroll down to your ‘club contacts’
- Check every club official – name, email address and mobile number – any information that is incorrect, email the YEL stating what is currently showing and what it should say.
Reminder: Under the rules of the County that holds the league affiliation, it is not permitted for a club to have one person covering more than two of the four club official roles – Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Welfare Officer – ideally, we would like to see a different person in each of the roles, in particular the Club Welfare Officer role, as they need to be accountable to the Chair/Secretary which should be a different person to avoid any conflicts of interest.
- Once you have checked the details of your club officials, please advise each of them that it is a league requirement that they log into Scoreline as soon as possible as this verifies their email address. No team can start the season without their club officials all having completed this process.
- Finally, to confirm the details of your club officials have been checked and are correct, click the blue ‘confirm club checks completed’ box at the top of the page – this will disappear once you have clicked it (some clubs have completed this task already – thank you). The header on the clubs page for your club will then turn green to signify to the league that the checks are complete and ready for verification.
Academy or not an academy? – that is the question
A number of our grassroots football club members have raised concerns over the use of the term ‘Academy’ by a small number of businesses/clubs either in their name, marketing material or social media. We do not wish anyone to try and seek an unfair advantage over other members by either deliberately or inadvertently marketing themselves as something they are not or cannot be under FA rules. As part of our affiliation, we agree to abide by the rules and regulations of The FA. Within these rules is a definition of what an ‘academy’ is:
“Academy” means an establishment for the coaching and education of Academy Players operated by a Club in accordance with the requirements of this Section of the Rules and licensed by the Professional Games Board
Working in conjunction with the local County FAs and the Notts Youth League, we are putting everyone on 12 months’ notice that we will be asking the membership to support a proposed change in the rules and regulations to not accept any club into the league for the 2024/25 season that claims or purports to be an academy either by name, through the use of social media or any other marketing means.
New photos for 2023-24
U11 & U12 are the only age groups where ALL players will require new photographs to be able to register for the 2023-24 season.
U7s & U8 are not affected.
U9, U10, U13 & U14 will only need a new photograph if the image being used was uploaded BEFORE May 31st 2020.
For an image to be accepted by the YEL, it needs to be a good quality passport style head and shoulders only image – see image – NOT a ‘distance photo where the image of the player is very small.
Player registrations for 2023-24 – online consent only and parents/carers mobile number requirement
Offline consent has been removed as an option from the 2023-24 registration process. All player registrations will now require online consent. Also, all parent/carer information on Whole Game System must carry a mobile phone number.
Contacting the YEL
If you email the YEL OFFICE – – please ensure you state the team name, age group and playing day so we can quickly deal with the enquiry
Rob Harwood CEO