YEL Update 09/10/20

This update is for all YEL club officials and team managers and covers


Abuse of linesmen/ref volunteers

Match return fines – 113 issued over the first weekend of October – disappointing!

Game Day hotline

WGS/Player registration



Abuse of volunteer referees/assistant referees – really?

This is for managers and coaches to pass on to parents of your players – At times like these where referees are in short supply and parent volunteers step in to allow our children to have a game of football, it really amazes that some adults feel it, one acceptable and two, appropriate to criticise/abuse those very people who are doing their best. If you are one of these adults on the touchline and you feel you can do any better, be the bigger person and volunteer and find out how difficult it actually is to be in the middle or on the line. Otherwise keep your opinions to yourself. You are not doing your children any favours as you are setting the wrong example to them and ultimately they will suffer as, eventually you will turn up to a match and find there is no game because no one wants to suffer the abuse.



Match returns fines – 113 issued over the first weekend of October – disappointing!

Despite reminding managers/coaches in last week’s Update about match returns needing to be completed on Full-Time otherwise fines would start to be issued from October 1st, 113 fines for non completion/ incomplete match returns have been issued for the first weekend. This is really disappointing as it is taking valuable administration time to check these returns and issue the fines. Reminder once again – This is a league rule (mandatory for U9s-U14s – currently advisory for U7s & U8s) for YEL organised games – friendly or competitive. Everyone should already have been completing Match Returns on Full-Time since the start of the season anyway. CAUTIONARY NOTE: FA Matchday app is apparently NOT foolproof. IF you decide to use Matchday app to complete your match returns, you must check that the information has been received/entered correctly by logging into the Full-Time site. This is your responsibility and we will NOT accept screenshots from Matchday app suggesting that this has been completed; Fines will still be applied if Full-Time is missing information. has a detailed step by step guide on How to complete a Match Return. Home; scroll down to Useful information; Click the ‘read more’ on Useful information for managers and coaches;  Select YEL – Match Reports – How to complete them.



YEL Game Day hotline

If you have a match related issue/query on Saturday and Sunday morning between 9.30am and 12.30pm and need league advice, you can call the Game Day hotline


07902 778 973


One of the YEL Team will be on hand to give you advice. DO NOT RING THIS NUMBER FOR A GENERAL OFFICE QUERY as you will advised to email the office – – Also do not use this number at any time outside of 9.30am to 12.30pm on a weekend as it is not monitored.



WGS/Player Registration

The YEL Office endeavours to deal with WGS player registrations/issues on a daily basis. Depending on workload and the time of the year, these can take anything up to three days. Please therefore give us 72 hours to respond to an enquiry/process a player registration. Unnecessary emails within 72 hours attempting to chase up a registration do actually slow the whole process down as they block up the email system. Please be patient. We aim to have all registrations uploaded into the system by Friday 12noon verified/approved by close of business.





Rob Harwood CEO


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