YEL Update – 27th September 2024

This Update has SEVEN important messages this week which we would ask you to please read.

RESPECT issues so far
Stay off the pitch! – follow on from last week
Recruiting – YEL Respect Field Officers (RFOs)
Match returns – fines issued from October 1st
Play safe weekend – Sat 28th & Sun 29th September
U11s-U14s ONLY – October half term games 19th/20th & 26th/27th Oct and/or 2nd/3rd Nov
Player transfers

RESPECT issues so far

We are getting way too many Respect cases reported surrounding undesirable conduct. 99% are caused by adults who should be role models to the young players. Most of these issues, sadly, relate to the behaviour of coaches. With two coaches being present at each game we hoped that one would be able to provide a calming influence when the other was getting overly vociferous. Unfortunately, a high percentage of these Respect cases suggest that only one coach was taking the team. The circumstances of each of these will be investigated. There are always unexpected circumstances where, on occasion, two coaches can’t be present. If this is the case, please email the office to notify us of the reason and we’ll give you appropriate advice


DO NOT criticise refereeing decisions – many are still learning, just like your players

DO NOT get involved with disagreements with opposition coaches. If there is an issue REPORT IT and we will deal with it

DO make sure your parents/spectators are aware of what is expected of them. It is your responsibility to control the match day environment

Stay off the pitch! – follow on from last week

This graphic clearly illustrates where coaches should be standing. Can we remind everyone that coaches should always be OFF the field of play on ONE side of the pitch and PARENTS on the opposite side behind the Respect barrier/line. No one should be behind either goal. Please do not coach in amongst parents – it’s a recipe for confrontation and also sends potentially confusing messages to the players.

Recruiting – YEL Respect Field Officers (RFOs)

Want to help make a difference at grassroots football? We are looking to recruit additional YEL Respect Field Officers (RFOs) to join our current army of undercover RFOs. RFOs fulfil a valuable, behind the scenes role in the league. This hidden army of volunteers are the league’s eyes and ears at YEL games. Most of the time they are undercover and teams do not know they have been present at their game. They do not get involved in any incidents. They are there to simply observe behaviour of players, spectators and managers and report back to the league. RFOs are assigned to YEL games by the league. They are paid expenses of £10 per report completed. RFOs are independent observers and should not be associated with any participants in a game inc referees. They can report on other games either before or after the game they are involved in provided they have no connection to any of the participants. We are looking for anyone over the age of 18 – mums, dads, grans, grandads, carers, referees – anyone who can be objective and blend in. Interested in becoming an RFO? Email for further details and an application form.

Match returns – fines issued from October 1st

September is the month when we all get back to football and teams sometimes forget the processes that we have in place including completing Match Returns on Full-Time. It’s also a time when new managers are finding their feet and getting to know what is expected of them as a member of the league. We have therefore been lenient with applying the fines for incomplete/no match returns. From October 1st ALL incomplete/no match returns will attract a fine and fixtures may be suspended until they are brought up to date as per the League Regulations – make sure your team is not one that falls foul of this regulation!

Play Safe Weekend – Sat 28th & Sun 29th September

Play Safe’s biggest weekend yet is this weekend. By now you should have accessed all of the resources from The FA and shared with your colleagues, players and parents the key messages.

As a Club Official, you play a key role in keeping children safe in football. During the play safe weekend, all of football will unite in support of safeguarding and creating a safer game for everyone, everywhere, every time.

We want you to share your ideas that make a difference. Tell us what you do to help make the game safer. Tell us about the role you play to help keep grassroots football safe.

All we need is a simple video shot on a phone. Your message could reach thousands on England Football and The FA websites and social media.

Click below to download the filming guide, it’s got a link to submit video content with your consent form.


By sending in your videos, your ideas and safeguarding activities can be shared across the game.

Thank you for playing your part in promoting Play Safe.

U11s-U14s ONLY – October half term games 19th/20th & 26th/27th Oct and/or 2nd/3rd Nov

The league does not normally set games during half term. (There are a handful of rearranged league games) If your team is available and you want a game 19th/20th & 26th/27th October and/or 2nd/3rd November, we are happy to arrange a fixture. All you need to do is add your availability to Scoreline. DO NOT EMAIL THE OFFICE. Updating Scoreline is the ONLY way to advise us that you are available. MUST BE UPDATED NO LATER THAN 10PM MONDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER. Any issues with accessing Scoreline, contact the YEL Office for assistance.

  1. Check availability with your players first. If you are NOT available, you do not need to do anything. If you ARE available continue to 2.
  2. Log into Scoreline
  3. Click ‘Availability’ in the left hand menu
  4. Once the calendar has opened, click the date (your playing day Sat/Sun)
  5. Click the blue wording at the top of the date box
  6. When page opens, click the drop down box and select ‘available’
  7. Click ‘Save’
  8. Repeat for next date if you are available.

Player transfers

Player transfers should only be submitted via WGS once the 7 day Notice of approach (NOA) to a players current club secretary has either passed the 7 day period or been waived by the current club. This can be done by email or text. Either way, you need confirmation back that it has been received – the league advise that an audit trail of the NOA should be kept should a dispute occur.  See the FA guidance in the link below

YEL Game Day hotline  

If you have any issues or on the day queries relating to your game only, you can contact the YEL Game Day Hotline number for advice.

07510 305354

Available between 9.30am and 12.30pm on Sat/Sun

ONLY AVAILABLE FOR ON THE DAY MATCH RELATED ENQUIRIES – no other issues will be discussed.

Contacting the YEL

If you email the YEL OFFICE – – please ensure you state the team name, age group and playing day so we can quickly deal with the enquiry

Rob Harwood CEO

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