YEL Update – 17th November

This Update has FIVE important messages this week which we would ask you to please read.

  • Defibrillator survey of all 1439 YEL teams
  • ADVANCED WARNING – SEVERE penalties are coming
  • YEL Community Fund – deadline 30th November
  • Match returns on Full-Time – suspensions and fines
  • YEL Game Day Hotline

Defibrillator survey of all 1439 YEL teams

Defibrillators are life savers! This is the most far reaching survey ever undertaken in grassroots football. The YEL – National Grassroots League of the Year 2023 and the largest league in the country – is committed to making grassroots football as safe an environment as possible for all participants – players, coaches and spectators. We are asking all of our 1439 teams to complete the largest ever defibrillator survey to help identify which teams/clubs have the required equipment and who is lacking. We will then see what help we can offer to assist these teams/clubs to bring them up to standard and ensure that their games are safe.

The survey can be found on YEL Scoreline. To access the survey, log into Scoreline and select ‘Surveys’ in the left hand menu. The survey will then open up for you to complete. All team contacts are requested to complete this survey for their team as soon as possible and if you are unsure on any answers, please speak to your club officials who should be able to assist. We will be looking to add the information provided, to the contact page for each team so opposition managers/coaches will be aware of what is available at each venue they visit and where the nearest defibrillator is located.

This survey is the first stage in a process to identify defibrillator locations and assess the needs of our member clubs/teams. We are currently in discussions with a national company who are looking to offer heavily discounted/subsidised and NHS approved, portable defibrillators. More information about this second stage will follow, once discussions are concluded and the survey information has been collated.

ADVANCED WARNING – SEVERE penalties are coming

Enough publicity has been given regarding handing a team sheet to an officially appointed YEL Referee prior to the game and carrying out proper ID checks by calling out the opposition players names not just looking at an opposition manager’s phone. Gentle reminders have not worked for some teams who seem to think these rules don’t apply to them and they don’t need to abide by them?

As we have absolutely no desire to fine teams, we are giving everyone 6 weeks notice that as of January 1st SEVERE FINANCIAL PENALTIES will be imposed.

U9-U14 Team sheets – If you are not already completing a team sheet for any YEL organised game – league, friendly or cup – and giving it to YEL Referees officially appointed through Full-Time, ACT NOW and get into the habit of doing it. Sanctions to be applied for failing to follow a management instruction
£20 for 1st offence; £40 for 2nd offence; £80 for 3rd and any subsequent offences.

U7-U14 ID Checks – All age groups (inc U7s & U8s) should be carrying out an ID check. If you are not doing this, ACT NOW and get into the habit of carrying a printed paper version of your registered players downloaded from WGS and ensure you swap it with your opposite number and carry out a proper ID check by gathering them all in and calling out the players’ names.
Failure to carry out a proper ID check prior to the game will attract a £100 fine

Really disappointed it has had to come to this but the rules must be adhered to and YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Don’t be the first to receive a massive fine in 2024 – abide by the rules!

YEL Community Fund – deadline 30th November

All YEL clubs are eligible to apply to the YEL Community fund for a grant. Clubs can apply for a grant from £25 to £250 as many times as they wish but can only be successful once during the course of the season due to the size of fund that’s available. Grants can be for any number of different projects from supporting managers getting their FA qualifications through to contributions towards club wide development projects. Applications for Period 2 close on 30th November and can be made via Scoreline, selecting YEL Community from the left hand menu. Applications can ONLY be made by club officials. So, if you’re a manager and have a project in mind, speak to your club secretary and get your application in now.

Match returns on Full-Time – suspensions and fines  

Thanks to all coaches who are correctly completing the match returns on Full-Time on time – 99%. For those that aren’t and fall three or more match returns behind, you will have received emails from the YEL advising of suspension of fixtures and an admin fine under League Rule 6(H) ‘failing to follow a management instruction’ Why are you wasting your club’s money? Please ensure that you do respond and update the info by the deadlines set (It’s part your role as a coach and being a member of the YEL) or, better still, do the returns on time in the first place! Four teams have had their fixtures suspended so far this season and received an additional fine. Please don’t be the fifth!

YEL Game Day hotline  

If you have any issues or on the day queries relating to your game only, you can contact the YEL Game Day Hotline number for advice.

07510 305354

Available between 9.30am and 12.30pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

ONLY AVAILABLE FOR ON THE DAY MATCH RELATED ENQUIRIES – no other issues will be discussed.

Contacting the YEL

If you email the YEL OFFICE – – please ensure you state the team name, age group and playing day so we can quickly deal with the enquiry

Rob Harwood CEO

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