YEL Update 03/12/21

This Update has THREE messages this week which we would ask you to please read.

Introducing TeamFeePay
U6 football – playing non age group format football – allowed or not?
Contact/Let referee know – if you don’t – no referee

Introducing TeamFeePay
On their website TeamFeePay state their mission is ‘to transform the business end of grassroots football clubs across the UK & Ireland by offering a better way to manage payments and registrations, reduce administration and increase club revenue.  We’re already helping to make life easier for 100s of football clubs across the UK & Ireland and growing.’

Here are their comments about their Club Management System, ‘Just like choosing the correct boots to perform at your best, we’ve designed our online club management system to enable football clubs to operate more efficiently. No VAR is required with full visibility across everything and a quality bench with our customer support team. Like every good team has backroom staff, we’re the only provider that offers FREE setup, FREE account management and FREE dedicated customer support for clubs and their members.’  If you are interested in more detail about TeamFeePay click this link (or copy and paste it into your browser)

U6s football & Playing non age group format football – Allowed or not?

Neither are permitted. Here is a statement from Sheffield FA which highlights the nation FA position on these two subjects.

U6 Football.
Unfortunately, we have been receiving information regarding U6 football, and the arranging of friendlies, and taking part in competitions such as leagues. As such we would like to take this opportunity to re-clarify the rules regarding U6 football. Whilst we appreciate the vast majority of clubs operate in line with the rules, we feel the need to share this message with every club within the County that operates youth teams- this is by no means an accusation of your club.
U6 football is not sanctioned by Sheffield & Hallamshire County FA or The FA, in line with the standard code of rules for youth football. Where football is unsanctioned it is not covered by the insurance that clubs have in place as part of their affiliation (sanction to play). This means that should any incidents occur, such as serious injury, the personal accident cover that the club have would not cover this incident and clubs/club officials would become liable.
Football at this age group should be solely about play and fun, we have a large number of clubs that run ‘mini kicker’ style sessions (training only) for 4- and 5-year-olds and this is great, it can be a fantastic introduction for young people to a club and encourage them to join a team when they turn 6 and head into U7 football. It is something we encourage and importantly is something that is covered by the club insurance. However, we cannot accept clubs arranging fixtures (Including friendlies) between two U6 teams or entering competitions of any kind.
A frequently asked question
Can a child play when they turn 6 or for and Under 7 team?
Yes, they can play when they turn 6, however, they must play for a U7 team.
“A child who has not attained the age of 6 shall not play, and shall not be permitted or encouraged to play, in a match of any kind.” (SCORY)

No teams can play football outside their age group format. Eg a U8 team (5v5) cannot play 7v7 football until they reach U9. A U12 team (9v9) cannot play 11v11 football until they reach U13. We have been made aware that there may be instances of this happening and understand that it negates the insurance that your club has taken out on your players. Be warned. County FAs are looking into these breeches and will take appropriate action against any teams/clubs not abiding by this rule.

Contact your referee to confirm the game AND if the game is postponed

It is vitally important that you contact your YEL appointed referee as soon as you receive notification from full-time of a referee appointment. If you don’t, there is every likelihood you will be referred to the YEL Discipline Team for failing to follow league rules and end up not being appointed referees in the future.

Also, if your game is postponed or cancelled, you must contact your referee to advise them. No point in just notifying the opposition and forgetting the referee. If you have confirmed the game and forgotten to notify them of a postponement and they turn up, they will be entitled to their full fee from you.

Game Day Hotline – new number for this season
If you have any match day queries when at your game – Saturday or Sunday – and need advice, contact the YEL Game Day Hotline. It is monitored by YEL staff and is available between 9.30am and 12.30pm for match day queries only.

07510 305354

Rob Harwood CEO

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