This is the first Update of the 2021-22 season.
For those clubs who have just joined us, we provide regular Updates which carry important information that you, as club officials, need to know about and share with your managers and coaches. These Updates are either weekly or fortnightly throughout the season. If you miss one, past issues can be found on
This Update covers
Charter Standard requirement to be a member club of the YEL
Player Registration is OPEN from Monday July 5th
Club officials and managers – Scoreline update/Missing information
Charter Standard requirement to be a member club of the YEL
It is Rule 1 in our YEL Regulations that all YEL member clubs have achieved Charter Standard Club status – currently being replaced by the brand new England Football Accredited Club. We are working through the status of each of our YEL member clubs with our County FA colleagues, to update our records. Can I please remind everyone that all clubs should have achieved CSC/EFAC status by the time they join the league or within 12 months if they are a newly formed club. We will be tightening up on these rules during this season to ensure that all of our member clubs area appropriately accredited for the start of the 2022/23 season. We will be contacting any clubs who aren’t accredited to make sure they get in touch with their local County FA to get the process up and running and completed ASAP.
Player registration is OPEN from Monday July 5th
A little later than usual due to some leagues extending through until the end of June – However, player registrations will open from Monday July 5th. Please ensure you get your players updated/registered on the system ASAP, Please don’t leave it until the last minute as the system has a nasty habit of becoming overloaded. There are over 200,000 players that need to be in the system by the start of the season so the sooner you get started, the quicker you will be and beat the rush! If you are a new secretary or need a refresher on what you are doing, The FA have produced the following overview of the system. Copy and paste the links into your browser or hold ctrl and click the link
If you need further assistance, please contact your local County FA directly who will be pleased to help. Don’t forget, this year, every child will need a parent account linked to theirs to allow the registration to complete.
Club Officials and Managers – Scoreline update/Missing information
There are quite a few clubs who have not ticked the box on Scoreline to say they have completed the check of their club officials/team managers information. It is essential that all clubs show accurate contact information on Scoreline. Name, email address and mobile number.
Log into Scoreline
Click ‘clubs/teams/contacts’ tab
Click ‘My club’ tab
Click the blue ‘club’ button
At the top of the page is a green – Club checks completed’ button – DON’T TICK THIS UNTIL YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE FOLLOWING
Scroll down the page and make sure all club official information is correct
If anything needs amending, go to the top of the page and click the ‘edit’ button and then update the information
Scroll down to the teams list and click into each team. Check the contact info. Use the edit button to update/amend the information. Repeat this process for all teams.
Once you are happy that everything is correct/has been corrected, tick the green ‘Club checks completed’ button
If you have any problems/can’t update Scoreline, please email the amendments through to the YEL Office –
Numbers in brief
14 clubs – Chair – incorrect phone number/non mobile number
1 club – Secretary – incorrect phone number/non mobile number
12 clubs – Treasurer – incorrect phone number/non mobile number
11 clubs – Club Welfare Officer – incorrect phone number/non mobile number
3 clubs – COVID -19 Officer – no details registered
38 teams – Managers/coaches – incorrect/missing managers names, email addresses or mobile nos.
Rob Harwood CEO