This Update has FIVE important messages this week which we would ask you to please read.
Emergency Action Plan to complete the season – League Regulation 15
Fixtures the weekend – weather
Fixture update
defibrillator survey – Please complete ASAP
YEL Game Day Hotline
Emergency Action Plan to complete the season – League Regulation 15
REMINDER – This is now in force. In light of the poor weather we’ve experienced recently, League Reg 15 has been activated which sets out how the Winter season will be concluded. Please read and make sure you understand it.
Wherever possible, league/cup games should take priority over any friendly games if there is likely to be a pitch issue.
Full details of League Reg 15 in the League Regulations at –
Fixtures this weekend – weather
If your game is not going ahead, home teams:
MUST Notify the opposition and get confirmation back that they have received it.
MUST Notify any appointed referee and get confirmation back that they have received it.
MUST Notify the league
MUST enter P-P if you receive an SMS text for a game that has not been played due to the weather
Fixture update
U11 to U14 Sun Divisions are on Full Time (a couple of provisional placings)
U11 to U14 Sat Spring Divisions will be announced shortly. We cannot wait an extra week as that would be unfair on clubs making January preparations so close to Christmas. There will be a couple of provisional placings, but a handful of teams will have to accept they may be placed in level 2 instead of level 3 and vice versa etc
U9 & U10 Cup and Friendly fixtures for January have now been completed and will appear on full time shortly
U7 & U8 Fixture Groups for January will be announced in the next few days based on the matches that have been played in current groups. The deadline has now passed for adding any further teams
YEL Awards We have two Concert Hall dates of 4 Feb and 25 Feb 2024. We expect to lose some more matches this Saturday and therefore be short of teams for the 4 Feb awards at this stage.
We have asked all invited teams to pay a £50 deposit by next Tuesday. Some Sunday teams who have paid the deposit will be asked to attend 4 Feb instead and we will then move some Saturday teams to the 25 Feb date.
Defibrillator survey – Please complete ASAP
ALL TEAM CONTACTS – If you have not yet completed this survey, please find 10 mins to do so – IT’S IMPORTANT! Defibrillators save lives! This is the most far-reaching survey ever undertaken in grassroots football. The YEL – National Grassroots League of the Year 2023 and the largest league in the country – is committed to making grassroots football as safe an environment as possible for all participants – players, coaches, and spectators. We are asking all our 1439 teams to complete the survey to help identify which teams/clubs have the required equipment and who is lacking. We will then see what help we can offer to assist these teams/clubs to bring them up to standard and ensure that their games are safe.
The survey can be found on YEL Scoreline. To access the survey, log into Scoreline and select ‘Surveys’ in the left-hand menu. The survey will then open for you to complete. All team contacts are requested to complete this survey for their team as soon as possible and if you are unsure on any answers, please speak to your club officials who should be able to assist. We will be looking to add the information provided, to the contact page for each team so opposition managers/coaches will be aware of what is available at each venue they visit and where the nearest defibrillator is located.
This survey is the first stage in a process to identify defibrillator locations and assess the needs of our member clubs/teams. We are currently in discussions with a national company who are looking to offer heavily discounted/subsidised, and NHS approved, portable defibrillators. More information about this second stage will follow once discussions are concluded and the survey information has been collated.
YEL Game Day hotline
If you have any issues or on the day queries relating to your game only, you can contact the YEL Game Day Hotline number for advice.
07510 305354
Available between 9.30am and 12.30pm on Sat/Sun
ONLY AVAILABLE FOR ON THE DAY MATCH RELATED ENQUIRIES – no other issues will be discussed.
Contacting the YEL
If you email the YEL OFFICE – – please ensure you state the team name, age group and playing day so we can quickly deal with the enquiry
Rob Harwood CEO