This Update has SIX important messages this week which we would ask you to please read.
July 24th – Very important deadline date
Club affiliation completion deadline
Deadline for team applications – two important dates – 3rd & 24th July
Downtime for WGS – player registration opening delayed until 6th July
Wednesday 12th July – TWO MEETINGS – ONE NIGHT! Meeting for Club Officials and New Managers
Referees fees – 2023-24 season
July 24th -Very important deadline day
A very important deadline by which a number of key milestones need to have been reached in order for clubs/teams to continue their progress towards the start of the season – see highlighted dates in red in the articles.
Club affiliation completion deadline
Whilst many clubs have completed or are already well advanced in completing their affiliation, there are still some who are listed on FA systems as ‘Not yet started.’ All YEL member clubs must have their affiliation completed by 24th July in order for their teams to be able to continue their progress towards the start of the season. Any clubs that have not completed are likely to have their acceptance into the league withdrawn and their teams removed from the league. Please ensure everyone, including your County FA, is aware of this. This is a non negotiable deadline. Please do not ask for an extension as it will not be granted.
Deadline for team applications – two important dates – 3rd July & 24th July
New team applications – U9-U14 – 3rd July – We will continue to accept applications for new teams up to this date for guaranteed inclusion in a division provided:
1. All teams are registered on Scoreline by this date
2. The club affiliation has been completed by 24th July.
24th July – We will continue to consider applications between 3rd July up until 24th July – these teams will only be accepted if there is space in divisions and the standards are correct for those spaces and provided the club affiliation has been completed by 24th July.
Please get any remaining team apps in ASAP. Work on finalising divisions will happen up until the end of July. No further U9-U14 apps considered after 24th July.
U7-U8 – applications will be taken up to 24th July for guaranteed Sept start subject to club affiliation being completed by 24th July. Applications will continue to be accepted up until early December 2023 with entry confirmed at various points during this period.
Downtime for WGS – Player registration opening delayed until 6th July
We understand from The FA that they will be carrying out season/player updates on WGS 1st – 5th July during which time WGS will be unavailable. Please ensure you get your players updated/registered on the system ASAP after 5th July. Don’t leave it until the last minute as the system has a nasty habit of becoming overloaded. There’s over 300,000 players that need to be registered by the start of the season so make sure you have all the player info and photographs ready for uploading from the 6th. If you are a new secretary or need a refresher on what you are doing, The FA have produced the following overview of the system. Copy and paste the links into your browser or hold ctrl and click the link
If you need further assistance, please contact your local County FA directly who will be pleased to help.
Wednesday 12th July 2023
Meeting for Club Officials and New Managers
7pm – Pre season meeting for all club officials particularly secretaries, treasurers and welfare officers. This is not a mandatory meeting although we would encourage everyone to attend as we give you an averview of the season and update you on the important messages for the new season.
8pm – A must for all new managers (and existing managers that want a refresher) as we explain how the league runs and what you need to do to ensure that your team administration runs smoothly as a member of the YEL. Most importantly we will give you important advice on how to avoid fines!
Details on both meetings will be sent out shortly by email and a reminder including links to the meetings will be provided closer to the date.
Referees fees 2023-24 season
A quick reminder that referees fees for season 2023-24 are:
Mini Soccer – (U9/U10) – £15
9v9 – (U11/U12) – £25
11v11 – (U13/U14) £30
Please ensure that all team contacts are made aware of the 2023-24 fee structure. Contact all team managers and ensure that this is discussed at your next club meeting.
Contacting the YEL
If you email the YEL OFFICE – – please ensure you state the team name, age group and playing day so we can quickly deal with the enquiry
Rob Harwood CEO