This Update has SIX important messages this week which we would ask you to please read.
Sign in to Scoreline – League Regulation 1
Basic guide to running a YEL team
Minimum facility requirement
No heading pilot continues for U7s, U8s & U9s
Diary dates, Rules & Regulations on
…and finally, massive thank you!
Sign in to Scoreline – League Regulation 1
This is a mandatory requirement in order for teams to start the season.
There are 3,407 registered users of Scoreline. Over 2,000 haven’t yet logged in. Please log into Scoreline ASAP if you haven’t already done so since June 1st. Pass this message on to your Club Chairs, Welfare Officers and Treasurers. It needs to be done, if only once, to confirm email addresses are correct.
League Regulation 1
(A) All club officials – Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Welfare Officer – must be registered with
the league on Scoreline with a current email address and mobile contact number. This must be
kept up to date throughout the season. It is a requirement of the league that all club officials log
into Scoreline using their email address as the username prior to the start of the season (or during
the season if the details change) as a validation that their contact details are correct. Failure to do
so will result in the fixtures for their club’s registered teams being suspended until the regulation
is complied with and a fine issued for failing to follow a management instruction.
Basic guide to running a YEL Team
A really useful guide for coaches and club secretaries to understand what is required by the YEL in order for the league to run smoothly.
Download a copy here or go to and click on the ‘Useful information for managers/coaches’ section on the home page.
Minimum facility requirements for a YEL organised game
ALL CLUBS & TEAMS – There are minimum requirements for a pitch to be accepted for a YEL organised fixture. Whilst it’s recommended that there are changing facilities available, the MINIMUM requirement is that there are toilets onsite and open on matchday. It’s not acceptable in 21st Century for anyone to be expected to ‘use the bushes.’
This YEL Rule/regulation will be enforced. Any team found using a pitch which does not comply with the minimum requirement will be referred to the YEL Discipline team.
No heading pilot continues for U7s, U8s & U9s
REMINDER: The YEL has agreed to continue with the FA trial to remove heading from children’s football for a second. This will cover U7s to U9s. Most of the players will already have been doing this from last year but the NEW U7 coaches will need to educate their players during training and matches to ensure they are aware and do not head the ball as this will result in an indirect free kick to the opposition. We would welcome feedback from coaches both positive and negative – with examples to back up the comments – which we can pass on to The FA. Visit Scoreline and select the menu item ‘Feedback’ from the left hand menu.
Diary dates, Rules & Regulations on is a great way for you to keep yourself informed of when meetings are happening, Rules/Regulations etc. Have a look as soon as possible as the important parts have been updated in readiness for the start of the 2023/24 season. Don’t fall foul of the Rules & Regs – they are there for you to read and understand. If any questions can’t be answered by looking at, speak to your club secretary. If the question still can’t be answered, email the YEL Office –
…any finally, a massive thank you!
Thanks to all club secretaries and player registration officers for the time and hard work in meeting the deadline for minimum number of players in the system. This is an amazing effort which has enabled us to get the divisions sorted and the fixtures out! Sadly 11 teams didn’t meet the deadline which is less that 0.01% – over 99.9% have passed this milestone.
NB U7s fixtures will be sorted shortly
Contacting the YEL
If you email the YEL OFFICE – – please ensure you state the team name, age group and playing day so we can quickly deal with the enquiry
Rob Harwood CEO