YEL Update – 6th December 2024

This Update has FIVE important messages this week which we would ask you to please read.

  • U9 & U10 games are equal halves
  • Reminder – Winter league games this weekend
  • Photography and filming
  • Failing to update Full-Time with Kick off changes – League Regulation 5
  • YEL Office email address is changing!

U9 & U10 games are equal halves

Reminder: All YEL organised U9 & U10 games are to be played in equal halves. You can’t play quarters. Only U7/U8 can play quarters and even then must be with the agreement of both managers

League Rule 20A – This Competition requires U9/U10 games to be played in halves but does allow the use of quarters/halves for U7/U8 games. If quarters, it MUST be agreed between the managers/referee prior to the game starting. If no agreement is
possible or the league instruct, then the default will be halves’

Reminder – Winter league games this weekend

Any remaining winter league games that are not played this weekend due to the weather will remain unplayed and the tables finalised based on the current positions.

Any play off games not played, will remain unplayed and the position shared.

Photography and filming

ADVICE FROM EAST RIDING COUNTY FA (Relevant to all County FAs covered by the YEL)

Due to an increase in the filming and photography of grassroots football training and fixtures we wanted to remind our grassroots football community of the current guidelines and laws.

The FA Rules & Regulations permit the use of cameras at affiliated football matches as long as this in accordance with the FA Photo & Video Guidance document.

Current legislation dictates that members of the public and the media do not need a permit to film or photograph in public places, this includes the filming and photography of grassroots football matches or training sessions featuring players under the age of 18 which take place in parks & other public settings.

The law clearly states that it is not an offence to take appropriate photographs or film footage in a public place even if asked not to do so and no-one has the right to decide who can and cannot take photos or films in a public space.

If you have serious concerns about a possible child protection issue relating to the taking of photos or film footage then you must contact the Police immediately. This action should only be taken though where you believe that someone may be acting unlawfully or putting a child at risk.

If you want to film or photograph grassroots matches or training sessions at a private facility then you must first of all seek permission from the venue owner by asking for their policy relating to filming and photography. We advise that this is done in advance of the match or training session and not on the day.

If you have people acting against your venues filming and photography policy then you are within your rights to either ask that person or persons to stop filming or photographing with you also able to eject them from the venue.

Failing to update Full-Time with Kick off changes – League Regulation 5

There are an increasing number of teams who are failing to notify the YEL Office of changes in kick off times so Full-Time can be updated. Full-Time needs to display the correct information for ALL YEL organised U7-U14 games – league, friendlies or cup. This is especially important when sending out our Respect Field Officers and appointing referees to games. It is the responsibility of the home team to ensure that the kick off time on Full-Time is correctly displayed. Any home team that is found to have not notified a change of KO time to the YEL Office as soon as they are aware of it will be charged and fined under League Regulation 5.

YEL Office email address is changing!

30 days until closes down. Update your address book now to:

The switch to brings the office email address in line with the growing suite of email accounts designed to ensure that your email gets to the right person as quickly as possible. Please use the relevant email addresses below to speed up the process: – all general administrative enquiries, fixture queries, changes to ko times, questions on rules – any player registration queries, match return fines/queries, queries relating to invoices –questions regarding referee appointments, how to register a referee/as a ref.

Contacting the YEL

If you email the YEL OFFICE – – please ensure you state the team name, age group and playing day so we can quickly deal with the enquiry

If you have any issues or on the day queries relating to your game only, you can contact the YEL Game Day Hotline number for advice. Available between 9.30am and 12.30pm on Sat/Sun

ONLY AVAILABLE FOR ON THE DAY MATCH RELATED ENQUIRIES – no other issues will be discussed.

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