This Update has FOUR important messages this week which we would ask you to please read.
Free withdrawals has now ended
Outstanding league fee invoices
Team officials photos need adding to coaches Whole Game System profile
Insufficient players registered
Free withdrawals has now ended
July 24th was the last day for free withdrawals. All leagues fee invoices must be paid in full. There will be no refunds for any teams that withdraw between now and the beginning of September. After this time, there will be an additional withdrawal charge made of £50.
Outstanding league fee invoices
Reminder: All outstanding invoices should have been paid by 24th July. Due to staff being on annual leave, a reminder was not sent out seven days before the deadline date. In light of this, the deadline has been extended to 31st July. Any invoices outstanding at this point could result in the team not progressing towards the start of the season and being taken out of the competitive divisions to play friendlies only for the winter season.
Team Team officials photos need adding to coaches Whole Game System account
It has long been a player registration requirement that a head and shoulders image be uploaded onto the club portal before the player can be registered. It made no sense whatsoever that Managers and Coaches, for some reason, were allowed to register without uploading a head and shoulders image of themselves. We are in complete agreement with our parent County FA that this is poor practice from a safeguarding point of view. Our League Regulation 1(B)(iv) now make it a rule that:
‘Team Officials (Manager/Coach/Assistant Manager/Assistant Coach) must have their photo uploaded to Club Portal.
A parent can stand in if either coach is not present provided they have an in date FA safeguarding children certificate and in date FA DBS.
Failure of a team to comply with this rule will result in the membership application to join the league being rejected. If a team is not compliant with this regulation during the season, it will receive a fine of up to £100 for failing to follow a management instruction and will have its fixtures withdrawn immediately until the team becomes compliant.’
All Team Officials log into their Whole Game System account and upload a current image of themselves int their profile.
This regulation is an additional safeguarding measure to help everyone know who is standing on the coaches’ side of the pitch and to assist YEL Respect Field Officers/County FA Officials when checking that those coaching, have the necessary in date qualifications to allow them to do so.
Insufficient players registered
An amazing 16,000 players have already been registered to the league. Despite this 122 teams listed on Whole Game System still do not have the minimum number of players registered as of today including 26 with no players! All teams will be reviewed on 31st July. It is highly likely that teams not having the minimum number of players will be removed. We will not accept players being away on holiday as a reason as plenty of high profile publicity about the deadline has been given since early June which is ample time to get photographs and parents online consent in.
Contacting the YEL
If you email the YEL OFFICE – – please ensure you state the team name, age group and playing day so we can quickly deal with the enquiry
Rob Harwood CEO