YEL Update – 23rd August 2024

This Update has FOUR important messages this week which we would ask you to please read.

Information checks continue…Over 850 teams completed
Team officials photos need adding to coaches Whole Game System profile
All users of Scoreline must log into Scoreline before the start of the season
Basic guide to running a YEL team

Information checks continue…Over 850 teams completed

Remaining team contacts who have not logged into Scoreline yet to complete the final part of the journey for each team and make sure you are compliant with FA/League Rules & Regulations and have the correct FA contacts in place for administration purposes, now need to do so urgently.

Each team contact listed on Scoreline needs to complete a 5 min task to confirm a minimum of two coaches that will be taking the team for training and matches; which person will be the primary contact to receive fixture notifications, referee appointments etc and confirm the person responsible for reporting the score.

Team contacts listed on Scoreline need to log into Scoreline and click the ‘info check’ button in the left hand menu (see image). Once in, click the blue button ‘complete the info check’

Once you have clicked save, the information can’t be changed so please make sure you have all the information to hand. Reminder: A coach cannot be listed a coach for more than one team on each playing day.

NB: Cancelling through lack of coaches = cancelling through lack of players
If you cancel a game through lack of coaches, it will be the same process as cancelling a game through lack of players

Team officials photos need adding to coaches Whole Game System profile

Over 80% of Sunday coaches and nearly 75% Saturday coaches have now uploaded a head and shoulders image of themselves to their WGS profile – Thank you. For those who haven’t, No photograph makes the team non compliant and therefore ineligible to start the season.

For those who have not done it, please log into your WGS account and complete this as soon as possible.

Our League Regulation 1(B)(iv) states:

‘Team Officials (Manager/Coach/Assistant Manager/Assistant Coach) must have their photo uploaded to Club Portal.

A parent can stand in if either coach is not present provided they have an in date FA safeguarding children certificate and in date FA DBS.

Failure of a team to comply with this rule will result in the membership application to join the league being rejected. If a team is not compliant with this regulation during the season, it will receive a fine of up to £100 for failing to follow a management instruction and will have its fixtures withdrawn immediately until the team becomes compliant.’

This regulation is an additional safeguarding measure to help everyone know who is standing on the coaches’ side of the pitch and to assist YEL Respect Field Officers/County FA Officials when checking that those coaching, have the necessary in date qualifications to allow them to do so.

All users of Scoreline must log into Scoreline before the start of the season

Reminder of League Regulation 1. All users of Scoreline – Team contacts AND club officials, must log into Scoreline between June 1st and the start of the season in order for the club and its teams to be compliant. Logging in is all you need to do as it confirms your email address for any league correspondence and that you are a bona fide user.

Use the link below to log in using your email address & password

Basic guide to running a YEL Team

A really useful guide for coaches and club secretaries to understand what is required by the YEL in order for the league to run smoothly.

Download a copy here or go to and click on the ‘Useful information for managers/coaches’ section on the home page.

Contacting the YEL

If you email the YEL OFFICE – – please ensure you state the team name, age group and playing day so we can quickly deal with the enquiry

Rob Harwood CEO

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