YEL Update – 11th November 2022

This Update has FIVE important messages this week which we would ask you to please read.

Remembrance weekend
New U9-U13 teams just being created
Respect Field Officers will be out in force again this weekend – ID checks are on their list
Update on fixtures
YEL hotline number

Reminder – This is Remembrance weekend

Reminder to everyone that this is remembrance weekend. We would encourage everyone who wishes to, to hold a minutes applause/silence prior to their games over the weekend to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country safe and allow us the freedom to live our lives in the way we wish to. Please discuss with you opposition manager and any appointed referee how you wish to pay your respects. This is, as always, optional.

New U9-U13 teams just being created

We’ve had a few enquiries about new U9-U13 teams joining the YEL at Christmas. We’re only accepting new U7s & U8s teams for the current 2022-23 season and these need to be registered by the first week in December at the latest. Any newly formed U9-U13 team is welcome to send an email into the YEL Office – – and we will put you in touch with other teams at the same age group so you can arrange friendlies outside the YEL in readiness to formally apply in March to join the YEL for the 2023-24 season

Respect Field Officers will be out in force again this weekend – ID checks are on their list

After last weekend’s games and visits by RFOs – 12 teams are under investigation and the likely result is the games they played in will be voided and not replayed as a result of not carrying out a pre-match player ID check. No points to either team and fines issued.

The season is now 11 weeks old and STILL teams are being caught out. Why? Anyone who attempts to show their sheets and is refused by the opposition manager should ring the YEL Gameday hotline – 07510 305354 – for advice from a league official and then follow up with an email to the YEL Office – explaining what has happened.

For those in any doubt as to what constitutes a player ID check – please follow these steps:

  • Before leaving for your game, print off a player ID sheet from Whole Game System for your squad
  • Prior to the game starting, take your player ID sheet to the opposition manager
  • Swap ID sheets with them
  • Call the players in. You check off the opposition players names and match them to the images
  • Opposition does the same to your players
  • Once you are both happy – swap the sheets back and put them away
  • The Referee does not need to see the ID sheet.  You should each give any officially appointed referee a team sheet listing the players who are starting (inc shirt numbers) and list those on the bench.

Update on fixtures

An update for u11 to u14 teams on Fixtures as we enter a complicated period, with teams playing either League, Cup or Friendlies

We have done what we can with November dates and given as many Friendlies as possible to anyone without a League or Cup match. Some Cup matches have been pushed back due to first cancellation of league matches.

ALL teams are entered into one of the 60 plus Cup competitions. If you have not yet had a Cup fixture announced, please look at the Cup section on FA Full Time. It is likely you have a BYE in the 1st round and are waiting for a match to be played before your opponents and date is confirmed.

ALL teams need to be available 3rd and 10th December for delayed League games or potential CUP matches, which could be created after the opening rounds have been played. 17th December – we would insist on any unplayed Winter League matches being played, we would NOT schedule Cup matches.

A more detailed plan per age group will be issued next week with regards December fixtures and we’ll try and give as many teams as possible matches up to 17 December; many of these will be Friendly games, which take a lot of time organising. Priority will be on trying to reduce travel and play a similar standard, but we can’t look at every team individually, so it could be an imbalance of home /away games and in a few cases you might play the same team twice in a short period (if 3 times email YEL)

Please take a look at remaining fixtures incl Cup and make sure KO time and venue is accurate. if it’s not please email

We understand a small number of teams have had matches awarded against them for not having player ID checks on the day ? Essential you make sure these are done every week to avoid issues.

We’ll update you further early next week re December

A reminder those teams who finish 1st and 2nd, the YEL Awards at the Concert Hall is Sat 25 Feb. Further info will follow.

Spring Divisions will be announced mid December

any issue email and quote Team Name, Age, Division

YEL Game Day hotline  

If you have any issues or on the day queries relating to your game only, you can contact the YEL Game Day Hotline number for advice.

Available 9.30am – 12.30pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

ONLY AVAILABLE FOR ON THE DAY MATCH RELATED ENQUIRIES – no other issues will be discussed.

Contacting the YEL

If you email the YEL OFFICE – – please ensure you state the team name, age group and playing day so we can quickly deal with the enquiry

Rob Harwood CEO

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