YEL Update – 13th October

This Update has FIVE important messages this week which we would ask you to please read.

ADVANCED WARNING – SEVERE penalties are coming
Fixture update – 28th/29th Oct & 4th/5th Nov
Comments on Match Returns on Full-Time
Fines for incomplete match returns are being issued
YEL Game Day Hotline

ADVANCED WARNING – SEVERE penalties are coming

Enough publicity has been given regarding handing a team sheet to an appointed YEL Referee prior to the game and carrying out proper ID checks by calling out the opposition players names not just looking at an opposition manager’s phone. Gentle reminders do not seem to have worked and some teams seem to think these rules don’t apply to them and they can get away with not abiding by them?

As we have absolutely no desire to fine teams, we are giving everyone 12 weeks notice from today that as of January 1st SEVERE FINANCIAL PENALTIES will be imposed on U9-U14 teams not supplying teams sheets to referees for all YEL organised games – friendly, league or cup – (Only required where there is an officially appointed YEL referee through Full-Time) – £20 for 1st offence; £40 for 2nd offence; £80 for 3rd and any subsequent offences.

Failure to carry out a proper ID check prior to the game will also be severely sanctioned with a £100 fine

U9-U14 If you are not already completing a team sheet and giving it to officially appointed YEL Referees, this is fair warning. ACT NOW and get into the habit of doing it.

U7-U14 – All age groups should be carrying out an ID check. If you are not doing this, ACT NOW and get into the habit of carrying a printed paper version of your registered players and ensure you swap it with your opposite number and carry out a proper ID check by calling out the players’ names.

Really disappointed it has had to come to this but the rules must be adhered to and YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Don’t be the first to receive a massive fine in 2024 – abide by the rules!

Fixture update – 28th/29th Oct & 4th/5th Nov

Fixtures for end of October and 4/5 November (apart from U7s) are now all updated as per availability.

U7s will have new fixture groups announced next week which start 4 Nov (in line with u8s schedule). All teams have been informed via Full-Time.

There will be no further changes to fixtures up to half term. Around 400 teams have been given games via scoreline availability list. Thanks to those who responded to the availability request sent by the YEL Office. This has proved very successful and we will be using this again in the future.

Comments on Match Returns on Full-Time

A few teams leave comments in the comments box on Match Returns. Having 700+ games each weekend, these may get missed. If it is a serious Respect case that you feel needs bringing to the attention of the league, please speak to your Club Welfare Officer or Club Secretary immediately after the game and ask them to upload a Respect case onto Scoreline. These are seen immediately as they are constantly being monitored.

We would like to hear about any inappropriate behaviour, aggravated language or abuse of any type – by parents, players or coaches towards each other or towards match officials. On field incidents during the course of the game come under the remit of the referee.

Fines for incomplete match returns are being issued

To avoid a fine, follow the simple advice below:

DO make sure you complete the match return by logging into Full-Time & complete all sections

DO make sure you ONLY list the players who started in the ‘started’ section; list the players who started as subs and came on, in the ‘subs used section’ (There should be no entries in the ‘subs unused’ section as all children who attend games as subs (up to the max number permitted) should play at some stage)

DO ensure the return is completed within 24 hours of the advertised kick off time (League Regulation 3C)

DO NOT use MatchDay app to complete your match return. Its poor reliability is well known and has been widely advertised by the YEL. We’ll not accept this as a valid reason for an incomplete match return.

YEL Game Day hotline  

If you have any issues or on the day queries relating to your game only, you can contact the YEL Game Day Hotline number for advice.

07510 305354

Available between 9.30am and 12.30pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

ONLY AVAILABLE FOR ON THE DAY MATCH RELATED ENQUIRIES – no other issues will be discussed.
Contacting the YEL

If you email the YEL OFFICE – – please ensure you state the team name, age group and playing day so we can quickly deal with the enquiry

Rob Harwood CEO

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