Event Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

  1. Contact details



  1. Definition


Activity/Event – means any activity or event organised by YEL

Terms and Conditions – means the terms contained in this document and any other document referred to within it.

Organiser – means Young Elizabethan Football League (YEL)

  1. General Risk Assessments/COVID-19 Risk Assessments and further Information
  • YEL have a copy of a general risk assessment from the venue provider for each venue being used. YEL have also obtained a COVID-19 policy from the venue provider. YEL have implemented all procedures in line with the documents produced by The FA as guidance for the safe participation of young players in football activities. YEL have taken all reasonable precautions to limit the risk of COVD-19 infection and ensure the safety of those attending YEL organised event. In light of this YEL cannot be held liable for any person becoming infected whilst attending a YEL organised event.
  1. Bookings (where bookings are required to participate in a YEL organised event)
  • By booking a place for your team/a player on any YEL organised activity you accept these Terms and Conditions.
  • YEL accepts booking for YEL organised events via YEL Scoreline which club officials and teams managers are able to access. For events where players are required to/wish to make a booking, these bookings should be made via club officials/team managers. Once the booking form has been completed and submitted, if payment is required, this should be made in full directly into the YEL bank account. YEL will advise on the payment process once a booking has been received. Only once payment has been received will the booking be validated by YEL. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address provided on the booking form. Bookings are subject to these Terms and Conditions.
  • Email acknowledgement of receipt of payment from the YEL is confirmation of your place for a player or team at a YEL organised event.
  • If a payment is required, all booked events/sessions must be paid for, regardless of the attendance of the player or team at a YEL organised event. Fees are non-refundable in the event of non-attendance. If the absence is due to medical reasons, you should email giving details to office@yelonline.com and a decision will be made on a case by case basis.
  • Fees are also non-refundable for circumstances beyond the control of the YEL such as poor weather, issues we deem to be detrimental to the Health & Safety of participants, or if we are delayed or prevented in performing our obligations by an event of force majeure.
  • For safety reasons we can only guarantee a place at ANY YEL organised activity to those bookings received in advance. Those that arrive without having booked/prepaid if required to do so, will not be guaranteed access to the activity.
  • Before booking please ensure your team/child is available to attend the event in its entirety and meets the conditions for such activity/event.
  • All bookings and payment protection are subject to the right to cancel in writing (by fax or e-mail to us) within seven (7) calendar days from the date that you receive e-mail acknowledgement of the booking pursuant to the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000.
  1. Promotions & Exclusive early bird information
  • YEL may from time to time offer promotions and exclusive early bird information about future events to parties who have registered for YEL events. If you wish to receive details of promotions or receive exclusive early bird information, please tick the box below.
  • I am happy to receive promotional information and additional early bird details

of YEL events.

  1. Cancellations Policy
  • Once a YEL event has been booked and paid for, no refunds will be made apart from in exceptional circumstances. YEL will be the sole arbiter when deciding on what constitutes exceptional circumstances.
  1. Child Protection and Safeguarding
  • YEL takes safeguarding and protection of children very seriously. We require any company/person who is employed by YEL and that it likely to come into close contact with anyone under the age of 18 or vulnerable adult, to have an in date DBS certificate and the appropriate FA safeguarding qualifications before they can take part in a YEL organised event in order to keep participants in a safe environment. In the event that a child or vulnerable person makes a disclosure or a member of staff believes that the child is suffering from abuse we will act in accordance with our child protection policy.
  1.         Film/Photography
  • YEL may from time to time take photographs/film of any activity, the use of this data is solely for the purpose of promoting and publicising our activities through our literature, website, press and TV.
  • I give permission for film/photography of my child to be used for the specific purposes stated in 8(i) above.
  • I DO NOT give permission for film/photography of my child to be used for the specific purposes stated in 8(i) above.
  • Parents/guardians that do not wish for their child to be photographed/filmed must make YEL aware of this at the time of booking or in writing/email before the event/activity commences
  • YEL will hold all personal data in accordance with its Privacy Statement.
  1. Personal Property
  • YEL cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to any personal belongings whilst attending an activity. Please ensure that no valuables are taken to any venue by your children. Please also ensure that all personal kit and equipment has the players name and club initials in order to help with identification of lost property.
  1. Health & Safety
  • A full risk assessment will be carried out before any activity takes place at a new venue. Copies of risk assessments are available upon request. Venues and any companies providing a service to YEL must have at least one member of staff who holds a current emergency aid certificate issued by an appropriate body.
  • By ticking the box below you are providing consent for a person holding a current emergency aid certificate from YEL or any service provider to YEL to administer any and all necessary first aid to your child as required at any time
  • I agree to a holder of a current emergency aid certificate to administer any and all necessary first aid to my child as required at the time.
  • For safety reasons it is compulsory for all attendees to wear shin pads on an organised footballing activity. Specifically those which are likely to involve contact ie training sessions and matches.
  • YEL reserves the right to refuse permission to participate for any child not wearing shin protection.
  • It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure appropriate clothing is worn and/or available for their child for the activity being undertaken and weather conditions.
  1. Medical Information
  • Any medical conditions that any participant may have must be fully disclosed (1) at the time of booking in writing to YEL and (2) to the lead person – coach or YEL Official on first attendance at the event/activity/venue.
  1. Insurance
  • YEL has Public Liability insurance with cover provided by Bluefin Insurance


  1. Programme Changes
  • In the event that YEL has to cancel an activity/session(s) for any reason, a credit note for the full value of the session(s) paid in advance will be issued to the person who booked or alternative provisions to stage the activity at another time will be arranged and confirmed to all. If you are unable to attend at the alternatively arranged time and confirm this to YEL, we will issue you with a credit note to the full value of the event/session(s) which have been cancelled by ourselves.
  1. Leaving an activity
  • Any vulnerable adult or child under the age of 18 that has participated in an event and is being collected, must be collected by a parent or guardian and such parent or guardian must sign the child out of the Activity with a member of YEL or any service provider ie coaches, venue. Coaching staff/YEL staff will advise who/where parents/carers have to sign. On the day. Any child that normally walks home unaccompanied from any activity will only be allowed to leave unaccompanied if a parent or guardian has provided written consent prior to the commencement of the Activity.
  1. Complaints
  • In the unlikely event that you or your child are dissatisfied with the service we provide then please in the first instance raise it with the senior coach at the activity and copy in the YEL – office@yelonline.com – giving full reasons for your dissatisfaction. The problem will then be addressed and an acknowledgement/response will be given with 48 hours of being made aware of the issue. Any grievance must be made within 7 days of your child’s attendance on the activity/event where the problem occurred.
  • We take your views and complaints very seriously and will endeavour to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible. Refunds will only be issued if YEL is proven to be in breach of these Terms &Conditions.
  1. Information
  • The information in these terms and conditions is reviewed and updated regularly. However, we hereby exclude any warranties (whether expressed or implied) as to the quality, accuracy, efficacy, completeness, performance, and fitness for a particular purpose of the site.
  • These Terms and Conditions form the entire agreement between you and YEL
  • By booking an activity/event with YEL you are acknowledging your full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and confirm that you have not relied on any other representation other than those contained within these Terms and Conditions.
  • If any term within these Terms and Conditions is found to be unenforceable by a competent Court then such term shall be struck out but the remaining terms within these Terms and Conditions shall continue in force to the full extent permitted by law.
  • These Terms and Conditions are governed by English law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.